A review by rowena_m_andrews
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton


This book left me conflicted. It started off really well – the first chapter was gripping, and that combined with the fact that the summary, and what I had heard from others about this book gave me hope, but I found that as time went on, it didn’t grip me. Don’t get me wrong, it was an enjoyable enough read, but it was slow for the most part, and where it should have picked up pace i.e. action scenes it went in the other direction and felt too rushed. In a similar way I liked Amani at the beginning – and I was hoping for another female MC that I would enjoy reading about, but I found myself disconnected from her the further I got into the book, and never really built a connection with the other characters at all. I feel that what really pulled this book – which had such a fascinating premise, and world idea – aside from the pacing that I really did struggle with, was that it ended up a little too stereotypical in places.

At this point, I still want to read at least the next book, in the hopes that it will improve because I understand that this was a debut and the premise has so much potential. I also acknowledge, that I am not the target audience which may impact on my enjoyment of the book.