A review by dkreading
10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall


When I say this book is compulsively readable, it really is! I couldn't put it down (except for when I had to sleep). Sam is a such a good character to spend time with: he's earnest, funny, kind of sad, and is willing to go to ridiculous lengths to help his staff. Is he a good manager? Eh. Is he a good friend? Yes! I loved watching him get into situations. Jonathan is someone I would hate to work for: uptight, micromanaging, must have his way, has a temper. However, as Sam spends more time with Jonathan he begins to see the man behind the corporate suit, unearthing his insecurities and hidden depths. It takes a lot of work, with many ups and downs and fights, but I was there for it! Jonathan's family is completely different from him, and I loved seeing how they all interacted. Throughout the book I was haunted by feelings of impending doom but it definitely never got as angsty as I feared. Full of Lord of the Rings references, awkward moments, half-baked schemes, gentle humor, and slow burn feels, 10 Things That Never Happened might not suit everyone, but I really enjoyed it!

*I received an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*