A review by joannacorvus
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


I just finished this and I'm just waiting and mulling it over in my head and my first thought is that I wish there would have been a bit more shared about Alba. The story was about Henry and Clare, but when we encounter Alba at the museum it seems like we will be getting to know her better and like we will find meaning in Henry's upcoming demise through her.

I can understand the negative reviews on this as I can see how it would be difficult for some to connect with the characters. I didn't have this issue as I'm very empathetic and can imagine how the moments would have felt, but looking back after finishing, it was a bit sterile. Henry died and I didn't cry because I wasn't emotionally invested in him. I felt sad for the event, but not on a deep level I tend to feel with my favorite books.

That is not to say I didn't enjoy the book, just that I'm not likely to read it again. It was worth reading though if only for a look at time travel in a bit of a terrifying and uncontrollable manner.i