A review by moondance120
Bitter Bite by Jennifer Estep


Digging up a grave was hard, dirty work.

Gin has discovered a file on Finn's mother, Deirdre Shaw. A little grave digging turns up a box with information proving that she is not dead. Gin dreads giving Finn the news and unfortunately he learns the truth from Deirdre herself. Gin is suspicious of Deirdre from the start which creates a riff between her and Finn.

There is something about this series that just sucks me in. I originally had a problem with all the repetition in the books. For some reason it doesn't bother me any more. I enjoy learning things about Gin. This time it was through a recurring nightmare from when she was 14. It is heartbreaking to see how much she wanted to be a part of a family with Fletcher and Finn.

Gin's love for Finn makes his attitude so hard to take after he starts spending time with his mother. It fascinates me to see that Gin is vulnerable. She has spent so much time building up her reputation as a hard, uncaring person. To see her cry is difficult.

I love the interaction between the secondary characters in the book. You know that you can always depend upon Jo-Jo and Sophia. Owen has worked his way back up to "book boyfriend" status although I still feel disappointed in him at times. Bria and Gin have a wonderful bond. I'm happy to see it strengthen with each book.

The story line has twists and turns that keep your attention. I am always amazed how invested I get in these plots and feel like I am in the story.

I highly recommend this series and look forward to the next book.