A review by eyreibreathe
All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker


4.5 ⭐

Chris Whitaker once again stunned me with his gorgeous writing. Lyrical and poetic, there is a certain magic in his words that the writer in me (again) found swoon-worthy. He has a knack for creating richness and depth in his characters to the point where it felt as if they were sitting right next to me, and I found myself attached to them.  I loved that this book took place over a span of 25 years, so we get a chance to watch these characters grow and develop. Between these pages, there is mystery, heartbreak, redemption, and beauty. It shattered me, and I loved every moment of it. I will say it took some time to settle into the short chapters. The busy mom in me loved it for the easy stopping points, but it felt choppy until I finally fell in sync with it.⁣

As a side note, I will also say that I kept getting Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow vibes while reading this book. The storylines are obviously different, but a coming-of-age story of two misfit best friends and a tone that felt similar kept bringing it to mind. So for all of you who loved T&T&T, I'd recommend checking this one out. ⁣