A review by swagkermit
Time Travel Diaries: Adventure in Athens by Caroline Lawrence


These books are so fun. They can be a little ridiculous at times (e.g. legal loophole of "there's no law against time travel") but these scenes just make me laugh. I did not really have any expectations for this book as in the last one Alex and Dinu met original characters from Roman London, but this one had actual historical figures.

Alcibiades!!!! I have never been more excited to see a character pop up in a book, he was one of my favourite Ancient Greek figures from high school. Could totally relate to everyone in Athens cheering whenever he turned up, I would have done the same. I loved him and his antics. The five stars are mostly for him to be honest.

The other characters were great, I liked Dinu's sister and Simone, as well as (of course) Plato and Socrates. Alex and Dinu are great protagonists, I like how the author is not afraid to make them split up and come back together. Dinu was so real for wanting to stay with Alcibiades.

The ending was also well done, it wrapped up the story really well without setting up another book nor closing off the possibility for further stories. Even if no more books are published, I can still imagine these characters getting into trouble :)