A review by chronicreader96
The Herd by Emily Edwards


Rounded up from roughly 4.5 stars ⭐️

The Herd follows best friends Bryony and Elizabeth. They live for their families and each other, trusting that they have the children’s best interests at heart. But it turns out some things have gone unspoken between them, and some lies may cause irreparable damage.

I want to start by indicating that this novel is based on a very contentious issue of vaccination and herd immunity. But it does so in a way that does not preach for either side. It highlights the pain that may be experienced by those making their choice on either side of the debate. I found myself not wanting to put this book down, I was so engrossed in what would happen. It moved me in many ways and highlights the highs and lows of friendship. Life can be extremely difficult sometimes, but enduring friendship can be a salve for the pain.

My only issue with this novel was that I really struggled to connect with both Bryony and Elizabeth. I just found their choices and actions difficult to understand at times. That being said, I fell completely in love with Emily Edwards descriptions of children at play. I have never read anything with so much accuracy before, it made the characters of Alba and Clemmie so vivid in my mind. You could absolutely tell that the author is a mother herself. The vulnerability and innocence warmed my heart completely. This is a book unlike anything I’ve ever read before, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I would recommend this to any fans of contemporary fiction who likes stories based on friendship. I want to thank Netgalley, Random House UK and Emily Edwards for allowing me to read this and give my personal thoughts.