A review by wahistorian
Pictures at a Revolution: Five Movies and the Birth of the New Hollywood by Mark Harris


Mark Harris identifies the 1968 Oscar nominees for best picture as revolutionary films, making 1966-1967 a watershed period for filmmakers channeling the rising youth culture in the U.S. Compare the 1967 and 1969 nominees to those of 1968, and you can see immediately that Harris has point. THE GRADUATE, BONNIE AND CLYDE, IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT, and GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER are groundbreaking films that have stood the test of time, and DR. DOLITTLE is the exception that proves the rule. Without spoiling Harris's book, I can say that he traces the creative processes behind these movies to demonstrate the many ways in which Old Hollywood was eclipsed, in so many ways: color vs. B&W; new stars vs. established actors; and new themes with contemporary relevance. If you love films, this book is crammed with insights you'll appreciate. A fun serious read.