A review by maraya21
Seduction by Jane Washington, Jaymin Eve







Things you might want to know³:

✖ Yes, I am going to do this for all the books in the series. Deal with it. Or not.
✖ I am losing my shit. Cause awesome.
✖ That fucking cliffhanger! *deranged & angry eyes*
✖ I gave up on how Willa exists. *shrugs*
✖ Delicious ultra chaos³ #yissss³
✖ Willa: You're an idiot of epic proportions and god damn adorable³. Mine!
✖ IT IS DONE. I REPEAT: IT. IS. DONE. My Lady blue balls are not blue anymore. #GIGANTICYISSSS
✖ 🔥 Abcurse Brothers 🔥

✖ Unicorns. 'Nuff said. #awesome
✖ Annoyed Unicorns are even better #awesome²
✖ I need to know what Willa is! *whines*
✖ Who waits for the other books?! *whine intensifies*
✖ Cyrus: You're kind of a dick but

✖ The whole book is fucking quoteable³. Pretty much like Book #1 & #2. #quotesforthewin³
✖ I am positive there are more but I can't function. In general but especially now. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh. I'm calm #nope #notevenclose

I wanted to scream, or pick up the little sundial that she had left behind and violently throw it at the rough, stone wall … but I wouldn’t do either of those things, because my sun-cycles of being immature and throwing fits to deal with my problems were over. If Emmy was going off the rails, I needed to be responsible.
I needed to … stalk her.



“You should—”
“Stop talking to boys,” I interrupted. “Yeah. We’ve had this talk before. It’s irrational. I can’t avoid all males.”
“Just the sols.” He frowned. “And the dwellers. And the gods.”
“So just … all males, then?” I arched a brow at him.



Rome was halfway through the wall, shelves bent and pushed aside all around him. He’d basically built himself a twisted, metal cage, and was now stuck in the mess he’d made, breathing through his frustration.
“Manoeuvre into sexual positions?” she asked, cocking her head at Rome. “Is that what you guys do? Because I don’t think this one is very good at the manoeuvring part.”



Aros was laughing right alongside Yael, now, and my stunned eyes were distracted from them by the sight of nude-coloured streaks flying past the garden. Sols. Dwellers. Teachers. Oh my gods … I had made everyone naked with my Chaos. Everyone except myself.
Well that was new.



Rocking back onto my knees, I tilted my head up to find Dru crouched before me, his massive hands still wedged in under my arm pits.
“Careful there, dweller. Your boyfriends wouldn’t like it if you messed up that pretty face.”
Everything inside of me seized up; he filled the space completely and I was immediately wary. He hadn’t been in the cart with us. I knew that for certain. There was no way to miss a mountain-sized sol. My breathing got rapid as I asked, “Are you stalking me? Why are you always around?”



The word does not create Chaos. It is the mental intention. Clearly your words and brain have no barrier.
It was like he had known me my entire life. “Yeah, I tend to react rather than think. Thought and words happen at the same time.”
If you intend to control Chaos, that has to change.
Well, in that case … we’re all screwed.



Cyrus was a beat too slow to catch me, since he’d had his head back laughing when I tripped, but he noticed just in time to step into me. Which meant that instead of my head slamming into the hard rocks, it crashed right into his crotch. He let out a bit of a yelping groan, before both of us went down in a heap.
I was stunned for a click, darkness dancing across my vision. What the hell was in his pants? Steel ballbags?
Another chuckling groan from above, and I realised I’d said that out loud when he replied. “If you don’t get your face off my dick, Willa, you’re going to find out.”


Traditional "GIF book sum up":
*Kickass Willa vs. Kickass hard, flat surfaces*