A review by bryckklovesbooks
Shadowlands Omega by Elizabeth Stephens


Alphas say 'Grrrr', Betas say 'Bliss', OMEGAS SAY 'BOOM'!... 5 STARS!

Elizabeth Stephens has done it again! OMG... I am in awe of her writing! There is so much going on in this book that my mind is everywhere at once! So much to unpack here! But if you don't have the time to devote to reading this entire review, I'll cut to the chase: I LOVED IT! GET THIS BOOK!

If you haven't read DARK CITY OMEGA, start there. But, if you're still here, awesome! I'll do my best to keep all of the juicy tidbits out of this review!

So, let's go:

SHADOWLANDS OMEGA (SLO) picks up shortly after DARK CITY OMEGA (DCO) left off. In SLO, we are in Orias Village, where we meet Kiandah, a thirty-something, beta female who works in the kitchens as a Cook with her parents, three sisters and twin brother. The entire family works in service to the Lord of the Shadowlands, Yaron.

One day, before delivering the evening meal to Lord Yaron's residence, Kiandah stumbles upon a secret her family has been keeping. This secret has everything to do with the Trash City rebels from DCO, the threat of the undead Alphas Yaron faced in DARK CITY, and The Fates. When the deception is uncovered, Yaron takes drastic steps to render justice as he sees fit. Kiandah and her family are captured but not before Kiandah ascends to an Omega.

This is where the game changes. In spite of her deception, Yaron grows closer to Kiandah and begins to feel conflicted between his duties to his people by punishing the family for their deceit and his growing adoration for Kiandah. Henceforth, the question remains: Can Yaron move past Kiandah’s involvement with the Trash City Rebels and exact the proper justice for his people… without alienating Kiandah?

There were so many things I loved about this story! After reading DCO, I was completely taken with Yaron and so excited to see him receive his own book and Omega. If you thought Berserker Adam Dragnovic was lascivious, wait until meet the damn near feral Shadow Lord, Yaron! For starters, the sexual dynamic between Yaron and Kiandah was epic! Author Stephens really shocked me with the bold move of incorporating the ‘Switch’ element into their love scenes, but I was here for it! I loved every minute of it!

The power exchange between these two gave some of the hottest scenes I’ve ever read. If you remember anything about Yaron was in DCO, you know he was a hard ass. Therefore, the inclusion of this dynamic between he and Kiandah served its intended purpose: to humble and simmer Yaron down and to assert and ramp Kiandah up. Brilliantly written and totally enhances the identity of both characters.

Further, we cannot ignore the fact that this power exchange wasn’t only sexual. Each gracefully provided what the other person needed to grow stronger and become whole.

Yaron is fearless, independent, and confidant. He taught Kiandah that she was beautiful, worthy, strong and very capable of taking care of herself. Kiandah was very self-conscious about her looks and Yarom promoted body positivity in her, and this is what we need to see more of from our males. Bravo, Elizabeth!

Kiandah has a strong sense of family, is humble, and believed in forgiveness. These concepts were totally foreign and unrelatable to Yaron, he just didn't get it until she showed him. Kiandah taught Yaron empathy, how to have patience and understanding, and to forgive.

Yaron and Kiandah emotionally poured into one another other. The most beautiful power exchange two people can have. Outstanding character development! This is rarely seen in many books I've read. The evolution of Yaron and Kiandah as individuals and as a couple was simply beautiful.

Be sure to clear your schedule before beginning this book! I didn’t think anything could top the greatness that is Adam & Echo in DARK CITY OMEGA until Lord Yaron & Kiandah took center stage in SHADOWLANDS OMEGA. There was so much emotion spent while reading this story. By its end, I was on the edge of my seat! But this ride is totally worth it!

The first two books in the Beasts of Gatamora series definitely deliver. Elizabeth Stephens is a literary genius who has generously gifted her readers another Berserker to obsess over! Her writing never ceases to amaze me. I enjoyed this book immensely and cannot wait to visit Gatamora again in the next book! Well done, Elizabeth Stephens! WELL DONE!

Happy Reading!