A review by lauriereadslohf
The Sadist's Bible by Nicole Cushing


This review and the rest of the crap I write can be seen @ my blog Bark's Book Nonsense . Stop by and say hey.

Ellie is miserable and longs for the sweet release of death. She feels trapped, is married to a man she doesn’t love and has realized that she only wants to be with a woman. If only for a night. She meets a stranger named Lori online and the two agree to meet for a night of sex, debauchery and death.

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But, you see, although Lori wants desperately to die as well, she’s not being entirely truthful with Ellie. I’d be less than forthcoming too if I were hiding what Lori is hiding. . . Her secret is a doozy and I am afraid to say much of anything besides read this book if you like excellently written, thoughtful and extreme horror.

The Sadist’s Bible was truly terrifying. It’s set in the mundane world but then takes a sharp right turn into disturbia and never leaves. The imagery ranks right up there with some of the torments that befall Clive Barker’s unfortunate characters in his earlier works. I honestly don’t think I’ve read an erotic horror short so unsettling and under-the-skin intense since I finished Lucy Taylor’s Unnatural Acts back in 1997.

It also has a few unexpected and brief moments of humor.

“Nuttier than a squirrel turd.”

I seriously have to read everything this woman has ever written.

Also posted at my sparkling new blog. Please visit :)