A review by shewriteswithknives
Dune by Frank Herbert


I finished this 30 minutes before watching Dune Part 2. After seeing the first movie a few years ago, I knew I had to read the book. I've been told I should read this book since I was a teen. I'm glad I waited, because I don't think I would have enjoyed the story as much as I did.

This book is dense. There is a ton of world building stacked with a large cast, heavy religion and language.

I see so many reviews that said they hated the book or simply didn't like it. Even if you didn't enjoy the book, you have to admit that Dune is one of a kind and is a masterpiece of its own. There is a reason so many great writers have taken inspiration from Dune and to disregard that is to be obtuse.

While it is not my favorite book, I did enjoy it. Listening to the audiobook made things a lot easier though as there was no way I could have pronounced everything correctly on my own. Stilgar is probably my favorite character. His quirky personality and devotion is something to be admired...even if he is wrong at times.

Jessica is scary. I admired her character at first, but as the story developed you quickly see that she is not a good person and that she will go to great lengths for her son and for a prophecy she wants to be fulfilled. The Bene Gesserits as a whole are utterly terrifying and manipulative women.

Paul. Oh, Paul. While I enjoy the way Herbert wrote him, I was stressed as he started to fall and give in to his mother and lean into the prophecy. Knowing he is not the Messiah but pretending to be for the sake of revenge and gain. Paul is the perfect antihero and his character arc has been one of my favorites to read.

In short, read it. The writing and world building is exceptional. It is a great piece and every honest reader should give it a shot. I could spend a long time deep diving into what I liked about the book and what I disliked but then we would be here forever. Plenty of other readers beat me to it.