A review by readerlatte
A Dress for the Wicked by Autumn Krause


When I started this one I wasn't sure if it was going to be a historical or contemporary or what I was really getting into. I grabbed this one as a title to read for Year of Epic Reads Read a Book with a Dress on the Cover. But, I am so glad that I did! This was a gorgeous story about a girl that just wanted to design clothing for people to fall in love with. And it really reminded me of how the world of fashion might have been happening until the world of the runway happened.

The story opened much like the Selection did and that worked out really well. This one kind of reminded me of the Selection series just a tad with how things unfolded. Although it one girl trying to win a spot as an apprentice instead of one girl trying to win a crown. I really loved how all the elements of this historical contemporary came together.

Emmy was such a fabulous characters and I loved her so much!! I would love to have a few novellas about the girls back stories leading up to each one being chosen for the Fashion House! I fell in love with all the characters and would have loved to find out who won the competition as well as where everyone ended up.

Although this is a stand alone (as far as I know) I think it could become a series pretty easily. We don't get any kind of wrap up at the end. Which was my only issue with this one. I would have liked an epilogue where we found out down the road where everyone was at.

The writing was pretty easy to follow and its a very fast read. When I started it I just kept reading and then all of a sudden I was past 150 pages in no time. I would love to learn more about this world Emmy is in. We don't really get to learn much of the larger world around her. Such as mermaids are mentioned but we never learn if its a joke or do they really exist in this world. I would love a follow up title where Emmy and Sophia goes on some kind of world tour with their creations. And maybe they get to design for the mermaid queen if these beings are really alive in this world!