A review by kjanie
Vengeful by V.E. Schwab


4.5/5 stars

”I don't want to survive. I want to thrive.”

This was PHENOMENAL!! I felt like I couldn’t breathe while I was reading this book, especially in the last half. It was a slow burn at the beginning but the conflict and tension just gradually built up until it was unbelievable. I was obsessed with every storyline and couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I loved Vicious but I feel like this book took everything to a whole new level. In the first book we had two morally grey characters but in this book we got even more (and somehow I started to love all of them). What a fantastic, thrilling and original novel.

There is something about Victoria Schwab’s writing that just sucks me in. I loved Vicious so much, but this book took everything to a whole new level. It was complex, emotion and downright crazy. This world and these characters have taken me completely by surprised and now seem to have a permanent role in my mind. Although this book, like most of Victoria Schwab’s books, was slow burn at the beginning, it was addictive the entire way through. The tension and build up almost broke me. But when the climax came, it was intense and action-packed and everything that I could have possibly hoped for.

“Power,” said the woman, “belongs to those who take it.”

What these books do that is unparalleled is create these complex, villainous characters but somehow make you fall in love with them. Or at the very least make you understand their motives. I came into this book already knowing that I loved Victor, but this book introduced me to more morally grey characters for me to love and hate. In this book, it was Marcella, June and Eli that really fascinated me the most. For Eli, I thought nothing could make me come anywhere close to liking him. Once again, Victoria Schwab has done the impossible.

June and Marcella were both very strong women who were quite frankly terrifying, but also extremely interesting and likeable. Marcella is the kind of power-hunger and vengeful that we can all relate to every once in a while. She was just pushed aside once too many times and snapped, and parts of me completely understand that. Other parts of me hated her because she threaten my beloved Mitch, Victor and Sydney. June was probably my favourite character in this book and her power might just be my new favourite. She was smart and cunning, and always seemed one step ahead of everyone else.

”Once upon a time, Victor had promised Sydney that he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her—that he would always hurt them first.
He’d broken that promise.”

Victor really broke my heart in this book. He is one of my favourite book characters of all time, no matter how sociopathic he gets. But he was really vulnerable and hurt in this book and we’ve never really seen him like that. Seeing him in such a vulnerable situation and no longer able to protect those he loves (and I love for that matter) really just broke my heart. But it added to the extreme tension, conflict and emotional pain that was this books.