A review by meadforddude
Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film by Peter Biskind


Obviously pretty fascinating to read this in the wake of the cultural accounting that's drummed the Weinsteins out of the industry (even as the behavior they exhibited remains somewhat prevalent and likely always will), but the craziest thing here is that the audiobook narrator gives Steven Soderbergh a shockingly thick Southern accent for some reason.

This is also a pretty compelling chronicle of the films that never quite made the leap from this era's indie scene to the home video market. Something like "The Hairy Bird," for example, which was retitled as "Strike" (which I'd still never heard of), and initially released to theaters as "All I Wanna Do" (which I definitely *have* heard of).

Anyway, I could go on about everything here at greater length, but the best thing to do is to probably think of it the way I thought of "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls." A "Hollywood Babylon"-esque accounting of an era in Hollywood that prints the most salacious alleged behavior as gospel.