A review by brookeisbusyreading
This Book Is Gay by Juno Dawson

funny informative lighthearted medium-paced


[I read the revised and updated version published in 2021.]

Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I had any expectations going into this book. I essentially picked it up because I started thinking really hard about my sexuality and was frustrated that I didn’t understand it. I knew I liked guys and girls, wasn’t bothered by being with a trans person, but I absolutely did NOT want to have sex with anyone - much less even thought about it. I think I needed this book to be exactly what it advertised - a guidebook. And it was! I do feel more grounded in who I like and what I prefer (or rather, don’t) sexually.

I loved the writing style of this book! It’s fun and light enough that, when you get to the more serious parts, it’s not TOO serious. The wacky illustrations probably help with that. (I personally didn’t care for them, but I understand their purpose now.)

While I’m glad Juno revised the book, I do think there’s more that could be added. In the past two years since the book was revised, I can say there’s been an increase in new terms for sexualities and the people who identify with them. This Book is Gay primarily dealt with the basic sexualities: gay, bi, trans, and so on. There wasn’t as much information on things like Asexual and Aromantic (which I think I might be) or combinations of sexualities. I would’ve liked to see that!

Overall, this is a wonderful book! For people who are questioning, people who know others in the LGBTQ+ community, and parents or caregivers of LGBTQ+ teens, this is a great guidebook to show you what it’s like inside the complexities of a queer/gay person.