A review by sbbarnes
The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson


A very very long book indeed. the first forty pages at least are intro, the final hundred or so outro. There is much switching of perspective (though all third-person-limited).
Still incredibly compelling (for me after the first forty pages, though, and the occasional pauses inbetween to focus on characters that never show up again was a little tricky). Kaladin especially was a beautiful POV to read from, if a little overly dramatic at times.
There are some trends of Sanderson's that keep popping up again: religion, its deconstruction and ultimate validation even if its interpretation by men is at fault for horrible things; third act revelation that a Thing has been Misinterpreted and We Were The Real Bad Guys All Along - these are tropes that appear frequently in his writing and can thus be somewhat expected. Very nicely executed all the same and the difference in worldbuilding makes all the difference.