A review by zaqlovesbooks
Little Darlings by Melanie Golding


I’ve received the advanced reader’s copy and I’m so glad I did.

Wow. Just wow. This book was a roller coaster of emotions. Despite the whole mother thing and such I will never have kids so I couldn’t relate or understand what the Lauren was going through.

But I loved how a folktale was brought into the modern world. I
A dark one in fact, the characters were interesting and despite the fact I didn’t like all of them. I loved the story overall.

There was a bisexual character that made it seem normal . Like how the lgbt community should be represented in a novel. Which was a amazing .

Most of all I loved the little hints of symbolism I with the title. It was really fun seeing how it all went into play.

I’m just so sad that I finished it too soon. Cause this I think I could reread over and over again.