A review by sassypantsreading
Unbreakable Love by Stacey Lynn


Unfortunately, Unbreakable Love wasn’t for me. Nothing really happened in the entire book. There was no real climax, no real conflict. The big “life’s-too-short” moment was Gavin’s brother breaking his leg. I actually laughed at how dramatic they were being, with all the “thoughts and prayers” texts from the community. If anything, they should’ve been making a bigger deal out of the assault that occurred on the same evening. I also have a hard time when one MC is terrible to the other for no good reason, like Gavin was to Penny at first, but the MC on the receiving end hangs on to whatever scraps of kindness thrown their way and decides that they “aren’t so bad” or are good people “deep down.” Come on, you’re worth more than scraps.  

The editing definitely needed to be tightened up a bit. I know I was reading an ARC and not a final draft, but there were a lot of inconsistencies and incorrect names, sometimes on the same page (referring to Cameron’s injury and then his family Emily and Landon, when Emily is Caleb’s wife and Caleb isn’t injured, for example, but then having the correct information in the next paragraph). Also, the author used “not only” phrasing so, so very much. I get that it ups the word count, but it also makes sentences that could be straightforward unnecessarily convoluted. One sentence read “The teacher I was taking over for almost halfway through the year was not only a teacher, she was beloved in New Haven.” Why not just say “The teacher… was beloved?” 

I haven’t read the other books in this series, though I do like the Kelley family and the side characters, so I am considering it. 

I received an ARC of Unbreakable Love from Valentine PR. I am leaving this review voluntarily.