A review by ariel937
Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai

i surprised myself by how much i enjoyed this book. though “enjoyed” is probably a weird word to use, but from the first few pages i was sucked into this emotional, intense, and heartbreaking story. if i hadn’t read this for school, i definitely would have missed the opportunity to read it, and i’m thankful that i didn’t! this book is so much more than a boy going through a sexual awakening - it’s also about racism, love crossing boundaries, family secrets, and growing up. there were a few sections i liked more than others, with “radha aunty” and “see no evil, hear no evil” being my favorite sections. i did totally think this was a memoir until the last chapter, but it was written in a way that gave it a very memoir-y feel. i feel like if this was adapted into like a 2-part graphic novel (like “Persepolis”) it would be really good! overall i really enjoyed this and would recommend it!