A review by cmbohn
How to Cook Everything: Simple Recipes for Great Food by Mark Bittman


Well, I have a small quibble about the title. How to Cook Everything is a pretty broad statement, and did I indeed find recipes on how to cook EVERYTHING? No. But what I did find was a cookbook that teaches you basic principles of cooking so that you can figure out how to cook almost anything.

I'm not quite done reading it, but already I have found myself wanting to host a party while reading the appetizers, craving more soup during the soup recipes, and itching to bake while reading the bread recipes. I have tried one recipe so far, Kale and Potato Soup, which I enjoyed. It wasn't the most fabulous thing ever, and would have been, as the author said himself, improved with homemade stock. I used store bought. But it was still very tasty on a winter day. I have added this one to my wish list and recommend it as an excellent first cookbook for a beginner, or a handy reference for an experienced cook. I'm making his Easy Tomato Sauce for pasta tomorrow, Chicken Adobo with rice on Wednesday, and the Bitter Chocolate Sorbet as soon as possible.