A review by afjakandys
Across the Green Grass Fields by Seanan McGuire


Every Heart a Doorway ★★★★
Down Among the Sticks and Bones ★★★★★
Beneath the Sugar Sky ★★
In an Absent Dream ★★★★
Come Tumbling Down ★★★
Across the Green Grass Fields ★★★

I was surprised by how much I liked this. Maybe even more than Come Tumbling Down, though I'm not going to bother with half stars because it wasn't a huge difference all in all. I was actually really into this book for most of it, but it seems like so many of the books in this series fall apart as the ending draws near. McGuire spends so much time creating background and building up the worlds we go to (and for good reason because they're super cool!) that we get very little time for the story to actually escalate into a satisfying ending. It just feels unifnished.