A review by saramdeuri
데뷔 못 하면 죽는 병 걸림 2부 3권 by 백덕수


well, I think my time with this webnovel has come to it's end. I'm unstanning Testar lmfao

It's fallen a little bit into the classic webnovel curse where the author can't seem to find somewhere to stop - arguably, there was no good place to stop, since the whole game-like sent back to the past premise doesn't come with a built-in or suggested end, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to come up with a decent way to finish it. just look at love interest zone for a start!

anyways, it really quite lost me with the slightly telenovela reveal of
chungwoo being moondae's cousin and actually it being all his fault that moondae's parents died
which was absurdly funny when it probably shouldn't have been. I do think that moondae should have had more emotionally heavy moments with the members and with VTIC's leader, also, to have it be that much more impactful at the climax of the award-or-die arc. otherwise, it was a very normal webnovel.