A review by emily2348
Butterfly Politics: Changing the World for Women, With a New Preface by Catharine A. MacKinnon


first book from catharine mackinnon, i watched her lecture on prostitution and knew i had to read one of her books. the essay "on torture" is one of the best, i definitely want to read some of her other works, maybe i will read one a little less law heavy next because i am not that versed on american law and codes 

"In isolation, in image, butterflies are delicate, vulnerable, even fragile. They can be reduced to decoration or flit by overlooked. In life, their endurance and power lies in collectivity. On its journey, a butterfly can be smashed against a windshield or die of lack of nutrition or be collected and categorized, pinned in a box. But what butterflies together-sometimes even one-can set in motion cannot be stopped"