A review by shellballenger
Darius by J.R. Ward


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: Because even though I'm in the middle of another 16+ book world, I thought it'd be a great idea to start something else...plus, who doesn't love a good vampire story?

Overall rating: There is a formality in the way 'Darius' is written that truly makes you feel like you're steeped in the centuries-old pomp and tradition of a vampire reign. It did make me wonder if further books in the series were going to have the same feel but at least for this one, it made sense and I wasn't mad about the tone/voice. There were a few times where it didn't quite make sense what was going on or descriptions of individuals or their jobs felt either rushed or second thought. I'm guessing that comes from having 'Darius' published in 2022, where Dark Lover (book 1) was published in 2005. It also got to a point where all the sudden it was like 'OK! The book si going to be done now!' And it wrapped up quite quickly (although, I will say, I was NOT expecting the end reveal). I can see how this one would potentially set up a whole series and I'm interested to see how it keeps coming together the further in the series I go.

Reader's Note: I know some other reviews talk about this being the book Darius deserves and that 'we all know how his story ends.' I think I have the advantage that I was able to read this truly as the first in the series before I had any additional knowledge of the Black Dagger Brotherhood world and the proceeding storylines. I did not feel like I was missing out on anything and I do feel like you could read 'Darius' as a standalone or choose not to continue the series if it wasn't your vibe. (I hate those series that you really don't like but you feel the deep down need to finish.)