A review by ashalucienne
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

Rating someone's interpretation and reclamation of their trauma feels wrong, so I will leave this review sans star rating. At the beginning, the detached and simple writing felt annoying. I didn't enjoy the writing at the beginning and internally was judgmental of the writer and her "lack" of prose. However, the further I read, the more I enjoyed the writing style and understood why she was writing that way. The story of a woman trapped in her lack of childhood. McCurdy makes you feel so deeply for her childhood self, particularly through the use of detached language. It felt like your mid-depression journal. Deeply successful and distinctly different from the winding prose of other so-called "sad" women. I am so happy that those horrible experiences of McCurdy could become a best-selling, acclaimed novel, by the strength of her agency.