A review by bethanyangharads
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell


Harry Potter meets humour and cute gay boys. Wowza, I loved this book so so much more than I could ever of anticipated. In fact I thought I was going to dislike this, considering how the Simon Snow incerpts in Fangirl were my least favourite part of that book and thought it dragged it down. However, this was charmed me completely off my feet (pun intended). It’s almost as if Harry Potter had a cousin who was cheeky and adorable who got away with things, whilst also knew how to pull a few heart strings. Yeah the magic is there but my favourite part was Simon and Baz’s relationship. I think this is my first ‘boy-boy who actually hook up in a book’ book and golly I’ve already got book 2 out from the library. From my perspective this book is more about friendship and love than it is magic, so if you’re in the mood for a cute af read, pick this up!