A review by berrynee
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black


the cruel prince was (fortunately) the first book i've read in 2018 and it's going to be the first book i reviewed!

even though i still have many unsolved questions that will remain that way for another couple of months i have no doubt that this book is one of the best this year and in top 10 of my all time favourites!

things i loved about this book:

- characters:
i especially liked jude and cardan. duh. i liked how they were written and presented and that there were many things about them that i could relate to. i liked jude's strong will and her fighting spirit, but she was definitely annoying at times which i can easily forgive.
cardan though is in my opinion a perfect character; you don't want to love him, but you can't make yourself hate him either. he's been hurt, underappreciated, unhappy and his family ignored him his whole life. i think that his hidden vulnerability makes him more lovable.
my third fav character must be vivi for sure. she has that unique feel to her that i can't describe but i know that throughout the whole book i patiently awaited her scenes.

- storyline:
before i've read this book i was never interested in fantasy or anything that has to do with the fae world. i have been so blown away by this book that i spent a whole week searching and collecting similar books and books of the same genre!
i think that holly black did a great job at explaining the scenery because everything was easy to picture and understandable.
i am thankful to this author because she made me open myself to new things and because of her i read many more amazing books that i usually wouldn't!!!

- everything else!!

it is always hard to describe a perfect book. i recommend everyone to read the cruel prince and decide if the book is good or not for themselves. i will patiently await the release of the wicked king and be jealous of those that have already read it.