A review by randombookswithmj
Like Happiness by Ursula Villarreal-Moura


Like Happiness was completely unputdownable and such a unique story for me. From the moment Tatum started her letter to M. Domininguez to the last page, I was hooked. 

The book is an epistolary novel, written in the form of a letter from Tatum to her author idol Mateo Domininguez, as she tries to come to terms with the poisonous relationship the two of them shared. Intermittently there are present day chapters written from Tatum’s POV. 

The writing style was beautiful and the story line captivating. The incorporation of the perspective of a Latina character living in a non-Latino world was so concise and revealing in its perspective. It was presented in a manner that made me consider how others are treated. The inclusion of Spanish throughout the novel really helped solidify this viewpoint. 

The character of Tatum was very relatable on so many terms. She is young and naïve, and far from her family. Ripe for someone to come along and take advantage of. 

When I look back at this novel and try to consider what the author should change, I come up blank. This book was so well written and enjoyable that if it isn’t my top read of 2024 it will be very close to it. 

Would I recommend it? Yes! Read it! Pre-order it! Whatever, get your hands on a copy and be prepared to be engrossed into the pages.