A review by sanaastoria
Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson


[3.5 Stars] - January 17, 2021
May be this is a controversial opinion, but I find this to be the worst book in the series to date. It's not bad, it's just... lengthy without really needing a reason to be. Here are my main issues with the book:

- All of its characters have very few stakes. I never truly feel worried for them.
- The character arcs are too repetitive across each book. I feel Kaladin suffered the most from this, and it made his portions of the book drag.
- Sanderson's romance writing could use some work. Honestly, Raboniel and Navani have more chemistry than AdolinxShallan and DalinarxNavani have.
- The Dalinar and Jasnah parts of the book felt very odd. I wasn't truly invested in them at all. I was hoping we would get more Jasnah point of views and that Dalinar would take a bit of a back seat, but nope.
- It. Is. Too. Long. Considering ALL of the above, the book is a bit of a slog at all parts that do NOT have to do with Navani, Venli, and Rlain.
- Shadesmar continues to be boring tbh. We ALL could see what was going to happen in that trial from a mile away.
- One part gave me strong ableism vibes.

That being said Sanderson writes a good ending, and I do think Navani's story line is one of the most interesting in the series to date. It's just a shame that the parts of the book which didn't have to do with her and Venli were a bit of a drag. Also, am I the only one that kinda shipped Navani and Raboniel because come on. Truly, Navani, the listeners, and the parshendi MADE THIS BOOK. Can't wait to see what happens next, and I still adore this series because the world building and characters truly are fantastic... but to be honest I'm a touch disappointed.