A review by hazelsbookcase
Green Witch by Alice Hoffman


This is more like lazy fan fiction.

Too many things were convenient and way too safe for a place that’s supposed to be in a dangerous post-apocalyptic setting. And it felt like half of the book was wasted talking about Green's past from the first novel.

(Spoilers ahead)

Diamond gave me the impression that he was just a friend in Green Angel. Apparently, in Green Witch he is the romantic love of her life she has been dying for.

Everything is unusually convenient from here: she easily finds and frees Diamond and his entire family. He learned to speak her language fluently during his time in prison, locks two guards into a cell easily without any mention of how he fought them, and knows where Heather is when he didn’t even know who she was in the first book.

When Green easily breaks the three locks on Heather's cell it made no sense to me. The locks were implying how dangerous Heather was, but there was no explanation for why they found her as such a threat, especially when she has a baby she gave birth to during her imprisonment. It's also odd that Heather is alive in the first place, considering the way she departed in Green Angel.

Another thing that didn't work for me is that Green became an omniscient narrator. She knew what people were thinking and we have no choice but to know she is correct.

Nothing was unique about the book. Green makes customized paper for each person to hear their story and finds all the characters that had left in the first book. That's pretty much it. I don't see any character development. Everything worked out perfectly with no explanations.

I am disappointed in this sequel. I'm glad to know there's a happy ending because I loved the characters in Green Angel, but the book was poor writing quality.