A review by interghost
Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero

Did not finish book.
Firstly, I've given up on this one at page 200 (about half way through) as I'm finding it a real struggle to continue this one, as its just boring.
The story starts off with such a great premis, with Scooby Doo and the Gang all grown up... and then you realise its not them, and they are completely different characters... and its then downhill from there! - Someone needs to get the rights to do this properly for sure, as I love this idea!!
The story just drags, the dialofue is horrible and written really weird, and you just don't really care about anyone in this story.
The shoe-horned in lesbian character is very awkwardly written with LOADS of references to how the other female characters hair looks ALL the time! It just feels like this writter thinks he knows how gay girls think, but clearly doesn't. Just comes off creepy.
The fact that they have only just got to teh main house at teh half way point, I'm done, and won't be reading anymore.
A real shame as I thought this was going to be a really fun read. (1.5 stars for the idea alone)