A review by eleniwriting
Frozen Heat by Richard Castle


I'll be honest; I didn't like Nikki Heat very much in this one. I guess some of the stuff, like she could speak French, but went on a semester abroad her freshman year. That just seemed stupid to me. On the TV Show Castle, he's always talking about how deep, intelligent, and what a subtly complicated character Nikki Heat is when anybody comes in and tries to make their own description of her (like with the movie, reviews, etc). I think the ghost writer was trying so hard to live up to all the specifications, they fell show there. I especially scoffed when the omniscient narrator said that she had played Ophelia in Hamlet and a few other leads when she was a drama major at Northwester her freshman year when she was a drama major. I actually was a theatre major when I was in college, and freshman never got the leads in the plays the University's Theatre department put on. Maybe in some universities, but that actress would have to be the shiz-nit, like somebody on full scholarship that doesn't need it they're so awesome and had all this professional credit behind them. It wouldn't be somebody who'd walk out of the theatre department for anything, even a relative's death. I did like Nikki's response at the ending, though, when it was just her.

I got irritated with Rook's attempts at being Nathan Fillion in the prior books, but this book was so very superior when it came to Rook's handling. At the same time, let's remember nobody can replace Nathan Fillion's comic chops and his impeccable timing (don't you dare argue with me!!!!!!). I just wish we got to see a darker, deeper side to Rook asides from being Nikki's 'partner.'

I like the way that greater story arc was handled. It seems that the ghost writer was given an excellent path to follow in the run of the series and I really like picking up the subtle nods to story lines and plot points in the show. It's a lot of fun to watch the show and catch little things that come up that I enjoy. The F. Scott Fitzgerald quote was an "a-ha!" moment because I literally just watched the episode in which Detective Beckett says that.

SpoilerThey didn't actually catch Tyler or find out what was in the pouch that Nicole Bernadine was trying to get, which sort of sucked, but it set up the next novel. I hope it gets solved!

Overall, I enjoy Richard Castle's books because, let's be honest people, there's only 22 episodes a year and that'll never be enough for this fangirl!