A review by evan_streeby
The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education by Diane Ravitch


This book is a real shame. The author seems so close to grasping capitalism as the cause of underperforming school and systematic dismantling of all public education, but can’t quite get there. At numerous points she cited the “brilliance” of Milton Friedman, spoke admirably about McGeorge Bundy, and other ghouls of modern serfdom and genocide, not least among them her former boss GHWB.

The opening chapters deal with Anthony Alvarado and Alan Bersin’s revamping of the NYC and San Diego schools, respectively. Ravitch goes on about how free-markets and choice are good, but then acts surprised when they utilize shock doctrine techniques (word to Naomi Klein) to force submission or removal of teachers and admins. She never makes the causal connection - throughout the book it is “free markets and choice are inherently good” and “what could have caused these horrible results?”.

The chapter on choice is worth reading, if only for the history of how school choice is rooted in racism and continues to pump out dishonest test scores based on expulsion and denial of any special needs, minority, and poor students.

I like that she’s a champion for public schools, and the U.S. could benefit from having her beliefs propagated, but the “centrist” goal for which she writes is shockingly naive. I’m still in the market for a book that discusses these topics in a way that isn’t entrenched in neoliberal apologia