A review by ltgallant
Foundation's Edge by Isaac Asimov


I’m always disappointed in Asimov. I think the part of his writing that bothers me the most is that his books are entirely dialogue. There’s almost no action or description at all. Also I listened to this and the narrator Scott Brick is my nemesis. I despise his sing song reading style but if you put it on 2x it’s just bearable for this book. Anyhow the dialogue is mostly just logical arguments. Makes Asimov sound like a college boy trying to prove how smart he is at a party by doing logic debate. Also even in the 80s Asimov is (by all appearances unintentionally) terribly sexist. The only women in the book (and at least there ARE women here) are archetypes. The old battle ax, the pathetic idolizing ingenue, the sex bomb, and the shrew. Ugh. But the overall plot doesn’t suck. Could have been 50 pages if the redundant dialogue was left out.