A review by louiza_read2live
The Nuremberg Trial by Ann Tusa, John Tusa


An excellent non-fiction book about the creation of the International Court and the trial of the Nazis War Criminals after their defeat in WWII. Compelling and riveting will make one cringe at times at the unfathomable depth of darkness a human soul can carry and the obvious mental instability and sickness of the minds and unrepentant hearts of those who committed inconceivably egregious acts against humanity. At times, I wasn't even sure if I should be feeling pity (not in the meaning of sympathy, I need a better English word) for the depth of evil and willful ignorance that had absorbed their hearts and minds or to continue to be disgusted by it.
This is not an easy or quick read and at times the information was overwhelming and hard for me to keep track of all the names, titles, and cases. Notwithstanding the reading difficulty, it is a gripping book of indispensable value.