A review by bethanyangharads
The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson


There was not so many physical threats that could not be countered with a decent hammer, Salander thought.

I thought that it would be hard to follow up the Girl with a Dragon Tattoo but I think that Larsson pulled it off. It was not predictable in the slightest and I found myself sinking into to the story willingly. I was happy to see that both Salander and Blomkvist were the main characters with neither ones development being sacrificed for the other. I also really enjoyed the introduction of some of the new characters such as Bublanski and Modig, as well as the extra development of Mimi (another cool badass female). Larsson also really challenged my loyalty to Salander... I won't spoil it but you'll see what I mean if you read it.

If I had to critique this book I would say that I found the beginning quite slow. I think that there were parts which could have been left out as they didn't effect the story all that much.

Ultimately it was a great read ad think many people will enjoy this.