A review by ezran
Labā un Ļaunā skola by Soman Chainani


“She had always found villains more exciting than heroes. They had ambition, passion. They made the stories happen. Villains didn't fear death. No, they wrapped themselves in death like suits of armor! As she inhaled the school's graveyard smell, Agatha felt her blood rush. For like all villains, death didn't scare her. It made her feel alive.”

””You gave me a dead frog for my birthday!”
“To remind you we all die and end up rotting underground eaten by maggots so we should enjoy our birthdays while we have them. I found it thoughtful.””

“Only once you destroy who you think you are can you embrace who you truly are.”

“”You’re not evil, Sophie," Agatha whispered, touching her decayed cheek. "You’re human."
Sophie smiled weakly. “Only if I have you.””

“Agata nodomāja: ne velti princeses pasakās ir tik nevarīgas. Ja viņas spēj tikai smaidīt, stāvēt taisnu muguru un sarunāties ar vāverēm, viņām nekas cits neatliek kā gaidīt, kad atnāks zēni un viņas izglābs.”

“Varenā Labā vergi.” 146. lpp

“Kurš gan spētu mīlēt zēnus? Uzpūtīgi, bezjēdzīgi slepkavas, kuri uzskata, ka pasaule pieder viņiem. (…) naids no pirmā acu skatiena - lūk, tas gan būtu ticami.” 147.lpp.

This was so… wonderful. It’s been quite some time since I last read a magic filled book meant for children, that I liked (the book, not children lol). I wasn’t able to stop reading this, it was so interesting. Kind of reminded me of Harry Potter, but way better than that and more fairy tale styled - not so much wizards and abracadabra magic.
There isn’t really such things as good and evil, black and white, everything is more gray, and this book showed it. Everyone has their way of seeing life, their reasons behind actions and most importantly - putting people into boxes and labeling them makes them do things they otherwise wouldn’t do and become who they don’t want to be and who they aren’t.

What I liked the most were the last 30 pages which were so…. GAY!!! Homoerotic dancing and even kissing, whatttt?? This is really a love story where (*spoiler*) the two best friends realize that the prince they have been fighting for actually means nothing. What they really need is each other.

Can’t wait to read the next books from this series!
