A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Good Samaritan by John Marrs


Read Completed 1/31/25 | 3.5 stars | Book # 11 of 2025

John Marrs became an auto-read author with THE ONE & companions, but I always have mixed feelings about his psychological thrillers that are not speculative. This was a wild popcorn thriller, and it was actually a lot of fun getting wild and weird, but I still didn't end up loving it. 

I didn't take any points off for it being popcorny and over-the-top -- that's actually what made it fun -- but I did get a little bored in the middle as part of the plot was being re-hashed and the ending felt a little messy with conclusion after conclusion. 

I didn't reread the synopsis before I started the book, so I was actually surprised when the POVs switched and we find out about Ryan. I thought that was a fun surprise that's kind of ruined by the book telling you about itself... 

Overall, this was just fine for me! I definitely could have enjoyed it more in other spots but I did enjoy where it ultimately ended up.