A review by booktrotting
Me And Mr. Darcy by Alexandra Potter


This is the most spectacular miscomprehension of Pride and Prejudice I've ever endured.

Firstly, the Mr Darcy in this book is nothing like Austen's, except from the overuse of "Brooding". Darcy in P&P is "brooding", handsome, proud and reclusive. This Darcy is just a hopeless romantic dork.

Plus, Emily is so bland, and I'm just not convinced that Darcy could ever fall in love with her. She's vain, shallow and on more than one occasion, a little bit sexist.

I find it adorable how Topshop is made out to be some kind of Indie-Haven in this book, and whilst the writer is British she absolutely MURDERS writing Britain from and American point of view.

That said, I did like the ending, and I think it could make a really good movie.