A review by shellballenger
With Teeth by Kristen Arnett


Type of read: Commuter Read

What made me pick it up: Honestly, between the title and the cover art, I was hooked. After I read the description, it seemed like something I might enjoy.

Overall rating: Oof. I struggled with this one. 'With Teeth' is the narration of Sammi's inner thoughts while she slowly spirals out of control, starting with a bite. A bite from her son and a bite to her son. A silent pact that caused her to stop ignoring the 'what ifs' and the 'I shoulds' and allowed her to give herself permission just to do and see what the hell happens. There is a lot going on in 'With Teeth' and I mean A LOT. You've got a misbehaving kid, a strained relationship, an acknowledgment of sexuality, commiseration over things that could have been but never were, and different character perspectives (although you do hear mostly from Sammi). Honestly, I legitimately have no idea if I could describe this book to someone. It was weird. And I like weird. But this was unorganized and off-putting weird. I can't, in good conscience, recommend 'With Teeth' because I have no idea what I read because it was so all over the place and my brain struggled to keep up and take it all in. Maybe I'll add it to my TBRR (to be re-read) list and see if I get it better a second time around.

Reader's Note: There's some slightly graphic sexual content and language. I wouldn't recommend this book to those who are uncomfortable with some spicy