A review by lilmatt050
Midnighter: The Complete Wildstorm Series by Jon Landry, Joe Phillips, Chris Sprouse, ChrisCross, Keith Giffen, Justin Gray, Rick Burchett, Jon Buran, Jimmy Palmiotti, Peter Snejbjerg, Darick Robertson, Brian K. Vaughan, John Paul Leon, Christos Gage, Brian Stelfreeze, Garth Ennis, Glenn Fabry, Rafa Sandoval, Lee Garbett


To check out my reviews: https://dancinginth3dark.wordpress.com/2018/05/07/midnighter-the-complete-wildstorm-series/

Who is Midnighter? How did he get his powers? Who was he before he became this monster? These are questions still left unanswered after reading this massive collection. It is the sole reason why it is not 5 stars material because I love to know about a character's backstory. Also the main reason why I checked this graphic novel out of the library for the simple fact that he is gay and I wanted more gay action and it barely scratched the surface. Midnighter is this vigilante who has the ability to see the future in terms of fighting. What I mean is if someone decides to attack him, he is able to see their moves in advance and knows how to counterattack.

He has super strength and nano technology in his system so if he gets injured he's practically instantly healed in a matter of seconds. Through this graphic novel we get to see difficult situations that arises either by enemies who seek havoc on Earth or drama within his own family. He is married to Apollo and I love the chemistry between these two characters. While the gay action is not extremely apparent, there are moments where we get to see them kiss and make out. My favorite storyline out of the entire magnum opus is Hitler time travel.

Midnighter gets kidnapped one day and his kidnapper proposes the idea of him going back in time to kill Hitler and prevent the Holocaust. His parents died in the concentration camps and wishes that to never happened. Simple request right? Oh I forgot if Midnighter does not accomplish this task, he's injected a bomb inside him and it will detonate and obliterate him. So Midnighter participates in this experience and gets sucked into the middle of a battle in WWI and discovers a young soldier who is Adolf Hitler. He's close to killing him when this group of time travel police interrupt him. He fails to kill to Hitler but discovers a valuable lesson about history and why you shouldn't mess with time even though you would be saving million of lives from a mad man.

Midnighter is a hero but at the same time I would say he is not the classic definition of what it means to be a superhero. His brooding behavior reminds me of Batman except he has special abilities. With these abilities come major consequences and we see the toll it takes especially on his identity. Theres one storyline that deals with his past and if granted the chance to discover your past life and maybe remember it would you accept this information? We get close to finding the juicy details about his life and yet the road is so far towards actually knowing what happen to him before he became this monster.

The illustrations are phenomenal and even though this series was written years ago I felt major relevance especially the Anthem storyline. Especially with who is governing our country it doesn't surprised me if the sad day comes where we would hired organizations to "protect" our cities in exchange of our liberties getting taken away. If you want to read a comic book that caters to the Batman and Superman gay fantasy then I highly recommend picking up this comic.