A review by rowena_m_andrews
Black Magic's Prey by Kristin McTiernan


I really enjoyed the premise of this book, both in terms of the ‘brujos’ but also in that to rid herself of the reappearing threat of this blight on her life, Tess has to seek help that might be worse than what is already being done to her. The idea of being caught between a rock and a hard place, and still making that choice, and trying for the prospect of freedom makes for a compelling story that was hard to put down, especially when paired with a brisk, engaging writing style.

I do feel that I should mention that there are some darker themes in this book especially with the ‘relationship’ between Tess and the Brujo, and the control he is able to exert over her and that it does include some sex, although most of it is ‘behind closed doors’ as it were. However, I would say that it is always proportional to the rest of the narrative and propels the story forwards. It was gritty and dark, and had a sinister air behind it, especially with the plots twists that caught me off guard (in a good way) more than once.

While I felt for Tess and her situation, as a character, I didn’t particularly connect with her. Of the characters we have met so far, Caroline was my favourite, and I felt that she humanised the entire situation in a way that was sorely needed in her support and care for her girlfriend. However, as the first book in a series, there is room for the characters to develop further, and the characters matched the story, so while I might have liked more of a connection, it certainly didn’t detract from the story.

This is a short book, but it packs a punch and sets up the rest of the series, and with the twists and turns and the fascinating nature of the Brujo magic, it does leave you wanting more. Certainly, a recommended read for someone looking for an urban/paranormal fantasy with a dark twist.
