A review by shewriteswithknives
Black Tide Son by H.M. Long


I just finished reading this and just as I knew I would, I loved it. This review might contain spoilers so please read with caution.

First and foremost I was excited that we got to learn more about Ben. I hated him in the first book, but there was something so intriguing about him that left me wanting more. Long did not disappoint with his story and character development. He has quickly become one of my favorite characters. The relationship he forms with Mary was unexpected but I loved the partnership they developed. His relationship with Charles has me cackling half the time. (Charles comment at the end that Ben was kidnapping him made me giggle. After he sold Mary off in DWD this felt full circle lol)

Mary. My gosh she has turned into quite the power house. We saw in DWD that she was a strong woman, but seeing her unleashed in BTS was perfection. Long continues to captivate me with her work. It’s compelling, stunning- it takes hold of you like a fairy tale full of dark magic and spell binding visuals that I adore. I love Mary’s character development. I love that we saw such strength between her and Tane and I’m looking forward to what she will unleash in the next book.

Sam, endearing as ever and stubborn to a t. I love him too. Through him we got to see and learn more of what happened to him and Ben to make them what they are today. The creatures in the Dark Water were absolutely wild! (Speaking of which the implings are terrifying. If you wanted to creep out your readers you did it. I hate them.)

All in all I loved Black Tide Son. It did not disappoint in any aspect and was jammed packed with action and suspense that… as I always say… was cinematically written that it jumped off the pages.

Please read this series. Immediately. Add it to your TBR, buy and preorder. You will not be disappointed.