A review by skywhales
Acting the Part by Z.R. Ellor

huh! not sure how i feel about this guy writing a wlw/nblw focused story when he's consistently treated lesbians and trans women like shit in everything else he writes!* also, btw, nonbinary lesbians exist. i am one actually. you don't have to stop identifying as a lesbian just because you found out you're nonbinary. also, lesbians can be attracted to nonbinary people! so can gay men, straight people and literally every other identity in between! you don't Have to identify as a lesbian if you're a nonbinary person attracted to women and other nonbinary people, but talking about an issue like this requires nuance that i don't believe this book will portray adequately.

*jk i do know how i feel. i don't like it. also, newsflash, the world's most influential terfs are straight women, by a huge margin, not lesbians like you claim in your other book. ([b:May the Best Man Win|55540735|May the Best Man Win|Z.R. Ellor|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1618345635l/55540735._SY75_.jpg|73259399]) we're your allies, so maybe stop constantly painting us as the big bad lgbtq+ gatekeepers. thanks <3