A review by lassebirk
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind by Antony Flew, Roy Abraham Varghese


After having produced a lifetime of atheist arguments, Flew now thinks an omnipotent intelligent mind is the most probable explanation for three main phenomena:

* If the laws of nature or physical constants had been even a tiny bit different, life would have been impossible according to scientists. Some try to explain this by the multiverse theory, but Flew thinks that this just increases the amount of evidence that atheists need to produce when explaining not one universe but countless universes. I find this to be the strongest of Flew's arguments.

* Flew claims that biologists' estimates of the time required for abiogenesis (life being created from non-living material) is too large to have happened with known age of earth and the universe. And: Life exists with the purpose of living and reproduction, and Flew argues this purposeful teleological behavior cannot arise from mindless matter.

* How was the universe created? What was before the big bang? Science's missing answer leads Flew to accept the existence of a God.

While the book deals with the existence of a God in the general sense, in the appendix N.T. Wright argues specifically for christianity, especially regarding the circumstances of the resurrection.