A review by arachne_reads
Castle Waiting, Vol. 1 by Linda Medley


This has to be one of the very best graphic novels yet placed into my hands. Medley's storytelling is deft and engrossing in a way to which I cannot here do justice. It is tender, powerful, inclusive... and wickedly funny. I could rattle off everything which colored me delighted about this volume-- Medley's keen observation of humanity, her wit and sense of humor, the puns, the deliciousness of her slanted fairytales, the voice and dialogue of so many of her characters... but that's a laundry list. Above all, Medley respects her reader. I admit, I've been spoiled when it comes to this: I hate books which hand me something sugar coated, or lull my brain, or don't challenge me to see beyond the obvious. Medley avoids all of these, and presents something which not only gives food for thought, but does so with a deep and gentle humor, which is ironic and sweet by turns. Throughout, I found myself laughing aloud, at Sister Peace, Leeds, Chess, all of Medley's characters. They were hilarious because they were so vivid and so true. Castle Waiting isn't a story about a person or an adventure, but a community. Read this. You won't regret it.