A review by travellingcari
North American Road Trips: Unforgettable Journeys of a Lifetime by Martin Derrick


America and the road trip go hand in hand since we're such a driving culture. I love road trips, so when this came up on NetGalley I jumped on it because I am always eager to add to my bucket list.

This book is great almost from the beginning in that the table of contents lays out your journey. This book can either be read cover to cover, or dip in and out as time allows/as the journeys pique your interest. While other reviewers have commented on the odd choice of starting with Hawaii, I like that element of difference. Everyone thinks of the classic western road trips - and they're covered - it's nice to have something new. I think the narratives added nicely to the maps and trips themselves, making them slightly more human. He's a good writer and the stories flowed well. I'd like very much to travel with him.

While I would definitely buy this for others, I think I'd prefer to buy it in paper as it is one of those you read & refer back to. It's fine electronically, just not my preferred for travel guides. I also think the maps' callout books would work better in print.