A review by timothycapehart
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger


This is a really good first novel. And a great "own voices" book for young people (but all calling something "own voices" tells you is the professed ethnic and cultural background of the author, it's not an endorsement of quality. People of Asian descent can write crappy books about Asian people in the same way Caucasian people can write crappy books about Caucasian people).

It's a nice bit of world building, but as other reviewers have said, there is a bit in there that didn't need to be there. Ellie often played younger than her years and her cavalier attitude to some weighty issues and events got a bit off-putting at times. Having someone in your novel tell a tale about someone who then tells a tale--that's just annoying and sends the reader right out of the dream you are trying to create with your words.

I was on Newbery the year this came out and was excited to get it, but after two attempts to get through it, I set it aside. {The supposed age of the main character nudges it into Prince territory anyhoo}. I tried twice more after Newbery year was up...and finally made it through by listening. So, yes, an enjoyable read. One of the 100 best fantasy novels? No, Time Magazine, it's not. but it is worth your time.