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01 Jan 2024—31 Dec 2024
Don't let those free books you've been given for promotional purposes sit and collect dust! Whether it's stuff your Kindle days (or any free book on Kindle, especially from indie authors), Netgalley, Goodreads giveaways, Storygraph giveaways, or any other giveaway from an author/publisher, try and read at least 1 per month this year, for a total of 12 (we all know you have more than that kicking around!). Free books are given to create buzz and collect reviews, not to be hidden away. When these books aren't read and reviewed, they hurt indie authors the most — the cost of the promotions come out of their savings, when a traditional publisher only has to weigh the cost against their bottom line. Do what you can to help make an indie author's day this year, and try to prioritize them in this challenge!
Free Promotional Books/ARCs 2024
12 participants (57 books)
STARTS: 01 Jan 2024ENDS: 31 Dec 2024
Don't let those free books you've been given for promotional purposes sit and collect dust! Whether it's stuff your Kindle days (or any free book on Kindle, especially from indie authors), Netgalley, Goodreads giveaways, Storygraph giveaways, or any other giveaway from an author/publisher, try and read at least 1 per month this year, for a total of 12 (we all know you have more than that kicking around!). Free books are given to create buzz and collect reviews, not to be hidden away. When these books aren't read and reviewed, they hurt indie authors the most — the cost of the promotions come out of their savings, when a traditional publisher only has to weigh the cost against their bottom line. Do what you can to help make an indie author's day this year, and try to prioritize them in this challenge!